Digital Advertising Internship

This position supports our team of digital advertising managers, who create and optimize campaigns on behalf of Delegator’s clients. This involves serving ads on Facebook, Instagram, Google, Bing, LinkedIn, and other platforms.

Essential skills include discovering trends from data sets and thinking critically in order to best optimize digital advertising accounts. The position requires collaboration with teammates. The ideal candidate will learn quickly, work proactively, have excellent communication and problem solving skills, and be a team player.

Working closely with other Account Managers and Optimizers, the Intern will:

  • Review and optimize clients’ advertising accounts daily with the goal of increasing key performance indicators such as Return on Ad Spend or Cost per Conversion.

  • Compile and report results.

  • Write new ads.

  • Perform spreadsheet work to make defined changes in bulk.

  • Take project guidance from an account manager and implement this guidance into a detailed work product, such as a researched list, a set of new ads based on new products, audience and persona research, or pulling and aggregating data from multiple sources to yield new insights.

When considering candidates, we look for:

  • Analytical mind with ability to connect operations to broader strategy

  • Knowledge of how the internet works in the context of the real world

  • Intuition of how real people use the web to help make decisions

  • Business savvy

  • Attention to detail

  • Eagerness to learn, self-starting

  • Ability to communicate abstract, quantitative, complex ideas clearly and concisely

  • High degree of character and integrity

  • Serious consideration of our duty to our clients

  • The ability to not take ourselves too seriously

Tennessee’s first Google Premier Partner

Now with offices across the country

As a top 3% agency in Google’s Premier Partner program, Delegator has exclusive access to early betas, extra support tiers, strategic insights, and industry vertical reports and tools for the Google Ads platform.

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